Telephone: +39 328 7812722



Hours: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00

Consulting Sapienza & Partners

+39 328 78 12 722

Where we are





Via 4 Novembre 68 95030 Mascalucia (CT) 

​tel.: 095 0979725


& Consulting


If you need expertise or technical  suggestion, you can make a reservation for your consulting.

Our  experts  certified  by Casaclima and Passivhaus  institut will help you in troubleshooting the problem we may support you in the important choices.

2021 Sapienza & Partners P.IVA IT03896200871| Design by

Consulting Text

Before choosing your new home, how to build it or renovate it, it is good that you listen to the opinion and advice of independent specialists in the field, perhaps certified by the Passivhaus Institut and by the Casaclima Agency of Bolzano, in order to be sure of the quality of the economic and technique of Your choice.

Are you in need of technical advice or expertise ? call us

We can guide Your choices for:

  • New Construction

  • Major renovation of 1° and 2° level

  • Ri -Qualification

  • Energy efficiency

  • Issues of Mold, water leaks, humidity, condensation

  • Sick building

  • Systems Ventilation and air-conditioning.

  • Electrical systems

  • Smart Home automation

  • Water and sanitary


New Construction

Do you want to change the house and before you build or buy from the manufacturer are you confused on the decisions to take or maybe you want to tranquilizzarti on the quality of the proposal.


You can hear so much of efficiency, and you don't know find your way around the energy class of the house that you would like .

Contact us we can make more clear Your choices and help you avoid fatal errors. We can provide you with a consultation time, or assist your designer in creating a Passivhaus or Klimahaus Gold.

Call us before you sign the preliminary contract and the specifications to understand what the law guarantees you already in the building.

Do you know that the photovoltaic panels and solar thermal for hot water are including in the rule of law, and are not considered " extra specifications, and the renewable sources are required by law.

Building the A-Class ? but as the class A1, A2, A3 or A4 ?

Consulting for Renovation

Building Consulting ing Carmelo Sapienza & Partners Passive House

​Hai intenzione di ristrutturare  o lo stai già facendo e vuoi essere sicuro  della qualità e delle soluzioni  che ti hanno proposto ? 

Serve aiuto per valutare  tecnicamente l'offerta  che hai ricevuto ? 

Contattaci  i ns. tecnici certificati Casaclima e Passivhaus ti possono aiutare a valutare  le proposte  e  comunque   ......  ti consigliamo  di  ristrutturare   con  i migliori protocolli Europei ed Italiani  ovvero   EnerPHit  (D)  o  Casaclima R  (Bz)  allo  stesso costo.


Vai oltre il minimo della certificazione di  legge  senza  extra costi,  sei sempre  in tempo per ottere il massimo risparmio, qualità di cantiere e con lo  stesso esborso economico   usufruendo dei Bonus fiscali  per la riqualificazione sismica ed energetica.


Sick Building

You have the presence of Mold, Dampness, or feel the Air Stale and heavy , and you don't know if there is RADON in your area ?

Do you know the risks of Radon gas ?

You have allergies and do not understand the cause ?

You have to know that maybe the problem is inside the house where you think you are safe.

Visit the dedicated page all' Building sick or contact us for support.

Consultant for Systems

Do you want to improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling ? or maybe think of a home automation system for the management, supervision and monitoring of your building ?

The plant Comfort Ventilation with energy recovery offers air quality unmatched, the health first of all.

We can help you to evaluate the efficiency and the quality of your building system before investing in new plants more efficient, but perhaps unnecessary power and cost.

First you should elimianare waste and the discomfort of the housing and then retrains the system with systems that are innovative, sustainable and cutting-edge as for the buildings, Passivhaus and Casaclima Gold also it may be useless to your shopping.

Building Technological systems ing Carmelo Sapienza & Partners Passive House


Request your advice

Do you want to build or buy a house, renovate, redevelop the shell and / or systems, or do you need advice? Do not hesitate to contact us.

The First Telephone Consultation is free and with our technicians you will find the economically sustainable solution and above all innovative.

We use Casaclima and Passivhaus design and construction techniques to make the buildings Zero Energy and Comfortable. Buildings ready for the future, without economic efforts but only a good investment.


Via 4 Novembre 68

95030 Mascalucia, Italy 

Tel:  328 78 12 722

whatsapp Ing Carmelo Sapienza & Partners Italia Sicily Passive House