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Via 4 Novembre 68 95030 Mascalucia (CT) 

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& Sick Building



Sources of discomfort , allergies and sometimes serious illness

2021 Sapienza & Partners P.IVA IT03896200871| Design by

Today's health knowledge has identified the causes of diseases that occur with the passage of time in confined environments; the Sick Building Syndrome.

The pathologies studied have been related to the poor quality of home or office environments and the presence of pathogens such as molds, toxic products (detergents, solvents ...), poor air quality (CO2, VOC, formaldehyde, particulates) and to the thermal discomfort (cold, hot, humid, drafts)

Through a diagnosis it is possible to identify the causes and find the solution and sometimes it takes very little.

If you have the suspicion of having similar problems read under the problems of Mold, Humidity, Gas Radon and call us for clarification, your first consultation is free.
If you want to deepen you can also consult the site of the Italian Government or the Swiss Confederation and a lot of bibliography available on the internet dedicated to the ill building. (Sick Building Syndrome)



Unfortunately, it is one of the most frequent problems found in homes and is also the major cause of allergies and states of physical suffering. It is very aggressive to human health, even if sadly neglected and almost tolerated.

The remake with paintings, "anti-mould" is a temporary palliative that does not solve the problem permanently.

Mold will form in cold spots of the walls (known as thermal bridges) and in the presence of water vapor (high humidity)

Call us and together we can find the solution to delete it permanently. A lens invaluable for your health and your family's.

Water vapor


Inside buildings, the cooking, the shower and the human being itself, generate large quantities of steam . If the steam is not disposed to the outside with proper ventilation , it tends to be absorbed by the furnishings, from the plaster, from the tents, and to "condense" in the cold parts of the walls.

It is soon made : the mold has the ideal conditions to proliferate .

Airing the rooms constantly is a requirement prescribed by current regulations and should be in use, but very difficult to meet and implement in cold or hot weather with heating or cooling on.

A small Mechanical Ventilation system Controllatacentralizzato or timely could aitarti to solve the problem together with a careful evaluation of the conditions of housing : walls , ceiling, floor , windows.



Radon is a gas that is hazardous to human health if inhaled causes lung cancer but it is quite unknown.

Coming from the land infiltrates into the houses or in any closed place and becomes one of the main causes of lung cancer as much as cigarette smoke .

It is estimated that each year cause of death for more than 20 000 people in the European Union alone, and more than 3 000 in Italy.

The Radon when it is deposited into the lungs and decays into Polonium, Bismuth and Lead, highly toxic products, and radioactive.

The maximum doses recommended by Euratom 193/90 are 400 Bq/year

There are risk maps of the localities with high concentration, but serves to make point analysis to identify the available systems, even very simple, costs a few dozen euros.

If you want to perform a preliminary analysis to find out if your building call us today, your first consultation is free


Indoor Air  quality (Stale Air)


The natural human respiration produces CO2, the presence of chemical products (detergents, deodorants, acids ..), the "smells" of the furniture (Formaldehyde,... ) or the gas cooker in the kitchen (CO) produce toxic chemicals, but it is "normal".

The periodic replacement of the air is a vital prerequisite for our health, but in winter and autumn who gets up regularly every 2 hours, to reciprocate all the air ? ..... not to mention the night ? In the morning, is often a state of suffering that motivates you immediately to open the window ? You are right.

A concentration of CO2 above 2000ppm produces drowsiness, decrease of attention until the headaches. Maybe our boys in school are little careful for this reason.

The productivity in work environments without pathologies increases by 10% with good ventilation.

In environments sick, good ventilation, can avoid allergic reactions even in healthy individuals.

Thermal discomfort Cold, drafts 

A housing isolated the evil loses energy and makes "passing" the cold or the heat inside the house, maintaining the temperature of the walls low or too high that makes you feel cold even if the thermostat says otherwise. The vice versa happens in the summer with the climate control or the air conditioner turned on.

A window with a low-performance, and above all mounted evil provokes the same effects. The famous thermal cutting is not enough to improve the comfort and reduce of as much the the bill. Often the only replacement of the window can create the appearance of mold getting worse environments.

These are phenomena that are well known in the physics building, but not by the sellers or by the companies.


Call us and together we auteremo to find a technical and economic solution adapted to your needs.




Contrary to what you think about the humidity rising primary is rare and studies have shown that it is only 5% of cases.

In addition to the rise in primary there are six other types of "ascents" and are the cause of most of the problems of deterioration of the walls in contact with the external environment. Phenomena condensativi or hygroscopic, capillarity and porosity, and the contributions of storm water are some of the conditions to the contour to analyze and control .

You have identified the true cause or causes, it is possible to formulate solutions with techniques and materials valid able to reduce and sometimes eradicate the problem in most cases.

There are no materials miraculous that solve the problem without a careful analysis, above all, independent.
